Album review comparison: The Greatest Showman Soundtrack and The Greatest Showman: Reimagined

Time for my second album review of the week and this time I have decided, with some encouragement from my wife, to do a comparison of The Greatest Showman Soundtrack and The Greatest Showman: Reimagined both containing all the songs from the film. The Soundtrack is the songs as they are in the film The Greatest Showman with the actors Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Kealla Settle etc performing them, the Reimagined album has well known stars performing the songs, these include P!nk, Kelly Clarkson, James Arthur, Panic! At The Disco and Anne-Marie.
Both albums performed incredibly well on the charts, I shall start with the original soundtrack. It went to number 1 in the UK where it spent an amazing 28 weeks at number 1 over 2018 and 2019, in addition it was the best selling album in 2018 and the third best selling in 2019. In the US the album spent 2 weeks at number 1 in 2018 and was the fourth best selling album of the year, it was the fourteenth best selling in 2019. In Australia it spent 8 weeks at number 1 and was the best selling album of the year too, it was the tenth best selling of 2019. The album also went top 5 in fifteen other countries, of them it went to number 1 in six. Five of the songs entered the UK top 40, This Is Me actually hit number 3 and ended 2018 as the fourth best selling song of the year. This Is Me also went to number 10 in Australia and was the twenty fourth best selling song of 2018.
Moving onto the chart performance for the Reimagined version then, it went to number 1 on the UK compilation charts (as it is classed as Various Artists it was not eligible for our main chart), number 3 on the US charts and number 4 in Australia, it also went top 20 in four other countries. Singles wise two songs hit the UK top 40 and in doing so outpeaked the originals, Rewrite The Stars by James Arthur and Anne-Marie peaked at number 7 where the original peaked at number 16 and A Million Dreams by P!nk hit number 11 where the original topped out at number 22.
Overall I think both albums are brilliant, but rather than doing my usual picking out some of my favourites, I am going to go through track by track and compare the versions and then have my usual ratings for each album at the end.

The Greatest Show
Hugh Jackman, Keala Settle, Zac Efron, Zendaya and The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Panic! At The Disco - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Pentatonix - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Bonus Track)
This is a great song to open the soundtrack as it is describing the circus as P.T. Barnum describes it, it is also split into two parts in the film opening and closing it. It starts with the opening of the film being lead by Hugh Jackman for the first third of the song with Keala Settle becoming more prominent towards the end of Hugh's part, then for the last third it transitions to close the film with Zac Efron and Zendaya leading the song. I think this was brilliantly done as it gives a very real feel for how the film transitions between ownership of the circus and encompasses some of the struggles faced by the members of the circus. It also serves as an introduction to set the stage making it easy to follow the story from that point and to understand what Hugh Jackman's character is aiming to do with the circus.
Comparatively then Panic! At The Disco's version is very different as this is one person singing, with Panic! At The Disco being the stage name for Brendan Urie, who himself is an amazing showman and someone I have been a fan of for several years. I found that Brendan brings a different level of performance as he takes on each vocal role and smashes it showing just how talented he is. The other version by Pentatonix is different again as they are a vocal harmony group with a wide range of vocals in the five members meaning they perform the song fairly similarly to the original.
Overall I think that the best version of the song is by Panic! At The Disco.

A Million Dreams
Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
P!nk - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
This is another great song with a brilliant transition, with Ziv Zaifman playing P.T. Barnum as a boy opening the song then Hugh Jackman takes over playing him as an adult and Michelle Williams joins in as his wife singing the song from her point of view. The thing I love most about this song is that it's about the dream to create the circus while his wife shares with him making it a joint venture and shows her faith in him. In addition I love the way this song starts when he is a boy and continues when he is a man showing he never gave up on his dream and he never does, it is executed incredibly well by the three actors.
Comparatively we have P!nk's version, so obviously this is one person as against the three in the original making it sound like it is all from one point of view even though the lyrics are the same. I love P!nk, always have, so it isn't surprising that I love this but she actually does a really good version of it giving all the passion that those in the original do and pulls it off brilliantly.
So while I enjoy both versions equally I will say the better version is the original.

Come Alive
Hugh Jackman, Kealla Settle, Zendaya and Daniel Everidge - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Years & Years and Jess Glynne - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Craig David - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Bonus Track)
This is such a fun song, an introduction to the circus for the audience, welcoming them into this new different world and encouraging them to let go and enjoy, ultimately let their soul come alive with it all. A lot of the fun is in the lyrics and the energy of the song however the performance given by the actors finishes the whole thing brilliantly making you really want to get up and dance with them and just grin with the overall fun of it all.
The other version of the song, while still full of fun and energy as Olly Alexander (Years & Years' singer) always is, it doesn't feel quite as complete. I love Olly's voice and am a big fan of Years & Years in general, I am not as big a fan of Jess but I do enjoy her songs. Both perform their parts really well however when it comes together it doesn't do so as well as it could have, It's really good don't get me wrong I enjoy the song but when compared to the original it isn't as good. Then there is Craig David's version and this is simple, I don't like it, I am not a fan of Craig David's music in general and therefore it's not surprising I don't like his version of this song, additionally though he sounds quite flat and as if he isn't having fun singing it.
This is probably already evident however the best version of this song is the original.

The Other Side
Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
MAX and Ty Dolla $ign - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
This is an absolutely brilliant song, it is completely different to all the other songs as it is set as a conversation between Hugh and Zac and, while being serious with the offer of Zac joining the circus to help run it, it is also super fun and really makes you want to sing along. The whole set up of the song with the back and forth keeps the song exciting and you are anticipating what will come out next. The funniest bit for me is the debate about what percentage of the proceeds Zac's character will get Hugh initially offering seven while Zac counters with eighteen and they eventually agree on ten, it's just a fun bit that also shows how much fun they had singing this song. In addition to all this it really shows off how good Zac's voice is and how much he has matured since High School Musical, then when the last verse is a duet Hugh and Zac blend and harmonise really well.
Given what I have said about the original I wasn't sure how the second version would match up and as much as I love Ty Dolla $ign this isn't his normal style, however it is better. I'll repeat that, better. This is almost a perfect version, MAX brings all the swagger that Hugh does singing flawlessly and almost making the role his own. Then there is Ty Dolla $ign, although I love his voice both rapping and singing this is a whole new level, he also sings Zac's parts flawlessly letting us hear even more of his rasp and vocal range, while bringing all the attitude and fun that Zac brings aswell. This has really given me a new appreciation for both artists easily making this my favourite track on the Reimagined album.
So just to reiterate the best version of this song is MAX and Ty Dolla $ign's.

Never Enough
Loren Allred - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Kelly Clarkson - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Now we come to my favourite song from the film, this is an incredible song and performance, I literally get chills every time I listen to it. Everything about this song works so well, not only is Loren Allred's voice absolutely flawless and utterly beautiful but the notes she hits and the range she has are unreal. The fact this song is opera really helps as I love opera but the performance is what really makes it stand out, with Loren sounding breathless at points yet still manages to keep hitting those big notes regardless.
Now obviously is was going to be difficult to top the original but Kelly Clarkson definitely gives a brilliant performance of the song even if it doesn't quite match up. Kelly still manages to hit all the big notes as she has such a powerful voice, I have been a fan of Kelly for years so I was always going to love this.
So the best version of this song then is the original, as you'd probably guessed.

This Is Me
Keala Settle - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Keala Settle, Ke$ha and Missy Elliott - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Ke$ha - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined (Bonus Track)
I must say this is a truly incredible song, such an upbeat empowering song, being all about embracing who you are and displaying it to the world regardless of any negativity and not letting it get you down. Keala Settle performs this song incredibly, she has such a powerful, rich voice and really hits those big notes almost effortlessly, giving everyone an anthem to live by.
Technically the second version was Ke$ha's and then parts of the original and Ke$ha's version were put together with new verses from Missy Elliott. Starting with Ke$ha's solo version while it is a great version of the song it doesn't deliver as powerfully so doesn't pack quite the same punch, although Ke$ha has a fairly rich voice so does deliver on that side. The remix, as it is referred to, is equally good having some of the best bits of Keala and Ke$ha's performances, at one point even making it sound like a duet. Then added to that is Missy Elliott's two verses which fit perfectly into the remix and the theme making the remix just as empowering as the original.
The best version of this though is still the original.

Rewrite The Stars
Zac Efron and Zendaya - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
James Arthur and Anne-Marie - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Well this is just a beautiful song really, it's about a love that isn't allowed so it's been done before but this is a really great one. With Zac Efron's character being white and coming from a wealthy family his love with Zendaya's character, a poor black circus performer, is frowned upon by almost everyone outside of the circus. The emotion that they sing with really brings it to life, especially at the end when Zendaya sounds close to tears when she sings 'You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide, But I can't have you, We're bound to break and My hands are tied' it just tops off the song as truly emotional. Throughout their voices work so well together with the back and forth, then the harmonies are even better, it is no surprise that is was one of the most popular songs from the film.
Now this one is more difficult because while James and Anne-Marie sing this really well and almost match the beauty of the original there is one big issue for me, they are both white and therefore it doesn't have the same impact for me. Given that there are very few black artists on the Reimagined album (five to be precise but two of them are part of Pentatonix and a total of three are only in the bonus track) it wouldn't have been that difficult to find a black artist to take this role as it was literally written for a black woman. However like I said their version is great they give so much emotion and harmonise really well, it helps that I already really like both artists.
Overall then the best version is the original.

Michelle Williams - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Sara Bareilles - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
If anyone wasn't convinced that Michelle Williams had a beautiful voice by now this song definitely confirmed it without any doubt. I'll admit I was a little surprised at just how amazing her voice is in this song, I mean she was good in A Million Dreams but here she does all the work and it's incredible. This song is all about how much she loves her husband and although everything has been a risk she followed him because she loves him no matter what. The way Michelle sings this really makes you feel every word as she brings such emotion a s her voice rises and falls with the music with ease, I feel that this is the most underrated song in the film for sure.
Sara Bareilles matches everything that Michelle brings to this song and gives such an beautiful performance too, there is not much more I can say when they are so similar.
As much as they are equal I have to say the original is the better one.

From Now On
Hugh Jackman and The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
Zac Brown Band - The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
This is a great song that brings the overall story towards it's conclusion, after the circus burns down and they have nothing left P.T. Barnum and his acts are in a bar, after initially being depressed about the situation he looks around at his acts realising they are family and he didn't do it for money he did it for his family, both actual and figurative, therefore he can rebuild for them. The song really reflects this by starting slow and quiet then gradually getting more energetic and joyful, this definitely ends the album on a high note with a lot of emotion.
Again Zac Brown Band's version is quite similar to the original, however there is less of a shift from beginning to end as it starts a bit louder and has a bit more energy so has a slightly different feel to it but is a great version still.
So the best version of this one is the original aswell.

So to conclude overall the original Greatest Showman Soundtrack is the winner by seven to two, which explains why it was more successful. So to conclude here are my ratings for all the songs on each album;

The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
1. Hugh Jackman, Keala Settle, Zac Efron, Zendaya and The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Show 8.5/10
2. Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams - A Million Dreams 9/10
3. Austyn Johnson, Cameron Seely and Hugh Jackman - A Million Dream (Reprise) 8/10
4. Hugh Jackman, Kealla Settle, Zendaya and Daniel Everidge - Come Alive 8.5/10
5. Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron - The Other Side 9/10
6. Loren Allred - Never Enough 9.5/10
7. Keala Settle - This Is Me 9/10
8. Zac Efron and Zendaya - Rewrite The Stars 8.5/10
9. Michelle Williams - Tightrope 8.5/10
10. Loren Allred - A Million Dreams (Reprise) 9/10
11. Hugh Jackman and The Greatest Showman Cast - From Now On 8/10

The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
1. Panic! At The Disco - The Greatest Show 9.5/10
2. P!nk - A Million Dreams 9/10
3. Willow Sage Hart (P!nk's daughter) - A Million Dreams (Reprise) 8/10
4. Years & Years and Jess Glynne - Come Alive 7.5/10
5. MAX and Ty Dolla $ign - The Other Side 9.5/10
6. Kelly Clarkson - Never Enough 9/10
7. Keala Settle, Ke$ha and Missy Elliott - This Is Me (Reimagined Remix) 8.5/10
8. James Arthur and Anne-Marie - Rewrite The Stars 7.5/10
9. Sara Bareilles - Tightrope 8.5/10
10. Zac Brown Band - From Now On 8/10
Bonus Tracks
11. Pentatonix - The Greatest Show 8.5/10
12. Craig David - Come Alive 3/10
13. Ke$ha - This Is Me 8/10

I would love to know what you think of the song and whether you prefer the original or the Reimagined versions.


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